Friday, March 13, 2009

wednesdays are the best days

have been slack cus i have been staying at the pemberton house chillin with phil, anica, ben, brent and steve. got a bunch of photos done on wed which was good fun.
was gonna use my camera. got it all set up on the tripod and ready to go and get some shots and some HD filming and the batteries died. LAME. used the other camera and they turned out pritty good.

steve with a back lip. sorry if tricks are wrong. it was 2 days ago.

ben. huge japan air. BOOM.

anica. backside tail press

t-pro. nollie back tail 270 out....are you kidding me?!????!!!

me. fs 270 switch front blunt 270 out.

phil. front 3

marc. back lip

me. front 3

t-pro. corked as fuck 5

ben. nose press the gnar. chyea boi

got a heap more pics but takes too long to upload them on here might put more up tomorrow.

we are due snow tonight. its pritty over cast here so it might and its a bit colder tonight.
just waiting for the guys to get here and then heading to the village. get crunk.


  1. yeah close on the back lip... I'm not goofy remember? jeez!
    i think thats either front blunt 270, or switch front nose?
