Thursday, March 5, 2009

skate battle

had a sweet night the other night. went for a super skechy skate in the parkade in pemberton. had to sweep it cus it is covered in grit from the roads. sooo sketchy cus if you hit a stone you bail so hard.
game of skate was sweet i managed to make it to the semi's which i was stoked with cus i suck at flat ground tricks.
this is brent with a switch flip (i think) maybe nollie.

when all the guys got back from winnipeg they brought there friend steve from home with them. he's a good guy and rips on a skate.

after we were dont playin skate we set up the hipy jump and rode that for a while which was sweet.
had a chilled time the other night chilling at the guys house and havin some beers while brent serenaded us with tunes.
i tried to play but its kinda hard not using your middle finger cus its busted but managed to change up the fingers and busted some hendrix.

hit up the bar after we chilled at the house and met up with kate cus she got back from vancouver. was good to catch up with her again and chill at the bar and play some darts.

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