had a sick day yesterday (sunday) with ben, phil, anica and marc over at rotherford creek. took the sled out and went to this old gnarly colvert. rusty. crooked. bent. snowing hard. and geting towed in by a sled..... sooo much fun.

ben steped up first and got some bangers down and got some film. anica went next and hit it a few times and then slipped out on the big crooked lump in the middle of it and butt checked it. it had to hurt but anica is a trooper. my turn. kinda scared. big rusty colvert... i dont wanna eat shit on it so took it easy. but got a 50 front 3 out which was fun.
then phils go..... he kiled it. front blunt to reg and fakie and was going for the 270 out.... footie to come.

me. tail press

i took the sled out for a ride and ohhh my god is that thing fast. its like a super bike on snow.
started to head down from the colvert with phil riding the sled and ben on the back and me on my board holding onto the tow rope. asked phil to take it easy so we get on the track and he floors it with me holding on the back and he towed me up to 60 down a narrow creek path. sooo much fun was laughing the whole way and trying to give ben high 5's on the back of the sled.
one of the most fun days of my life right there. chillin with the crew snowboarding and riding sleds with a picnic and snowing the whole time.

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