i had wendys for the first time while i was there and oh my got does it piss over every other fast food joint EVER. it was amazing.
went to go to tim hortons after cus you just have to go eat that stuff aparently.
i get to the till and order my stuff hand over my card. and i get the responce " sorry we dont take visa"....... what?? who dosent take visa?? so we go to walmart and look for beanbag making things and end up at crossbows bb guns air rifles and shotguns. best isle in the place for sure. but had no idea how i was gonna get any of it back on the plane. bummer. funny trip tho.
get back and have a bbq super good food. someone ate a raw one but we dont no who everyone said theres was good haha.
bummed out the other day cus steve had to leave to go back to winnipeg had such a funnny time while he was here
gonna miss ya steve, fuckkk buddy peace
after steve left it became real how soon i was leaving and how quick time had passed.dont want to leave here.
after we said bye to steve we all just bummed about the village and chilled which was cool
ben made a flint bomb, was kinda funny and i lernt a new skill haha
haha just remembered why phil didnt come. he had some pants on with candy canes all over them, like pj pants super funny and they had "toothpaste" marks on them. phil is too funny. muchos love
becoming real how soon im leaving now, not cool. gonna miss this place. but not as much as im going to miss the people.
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