snowed 30cm last night so thought we couldent waste the day.
photograph sesh in the back yard and on the rock drops in the front yard.
spend about an hour shaping a box off of our back yard steps thats about 15ft long.
nice little set up with a gap landing. super sketchy run in. only about a foot wide so got to stay straight.
found a work bench and some ply and made a wall ride stall.
back yard bench turned into a rail with tree bonk just after it so gonna try for some crazy tech stuff on that.
a bomb drop thats about a story and a half to a tiny tranny.
and the rocks we have in the front yard are about the same hight with a bigger tranny but about 5 feet to a wall of ice. super gnarly. marc killed it.
had the guys nextdoor dog come over for a chill too. murphy is a sick dog.
got some good sequence shots so i will put them up when i get them.
what a sweet day chilling at the house getting our shred on and having shots done
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