found a weird pile of sticks looked cool tho and found a mermaid kinda looked like someone spend alot of time on it.
compleatly forgot i had this pic. saw it in a glass box in banff in a native shop. asked the guy who worked there if it was real and he gave some crazy story on how it was found. i think i can see the glue down the middle tho.
had the bay to ourselves. went for an adventure after over all the big rocks we climbed for so long. found some cool caves and had to crawl through some small gaps but found a sick fishing/ fire spot.
climbing over rocks is hassle with a broken finger. alfie spent a while sizein up a gap. was pritty gnarly about a 7ft gap with a 3ft drop onto another rock where you were landing but it was about 25ft high. if you landed in the gap you fell on to spikey rocks. not cool.
found this spot is super nice and right on the coast.
walked up cadbury hill and had a fire and a few beers. ben had a empty sweetcorn can from fishing the other day and a packet of bacon so he put some beer in the can and piled all the bacon in and put it in the hot embers of the fire. 20 mins later beer cooked bacon. that stuff is gold.
played some shithead and other card games. then glow in the dark frizbee so much fun but kinda hard.
family meal time today should be funny. my 12 year old cousin Grace is makin a curry. super sweet
still rocking the finger brace tinsley. marc has 20 dollars/12 ish pounds that you have a mangled finger for life.