not cool. finaly had my doctor thing about my finger. he walks in and straight to the point... we may have to remove it.
bunch of other shit going down too. lame. ugh just wanna go ride again canada is so much better than here.
some cool shit has happened here tho weather is nice skating alot work is fun and people there are good. some things never change.
cut most of my hair off. mistake. dont cut your own hair in the mirror. its hard to do the back.
managed to fill the sink with hair. was kinda impressed untill i looked in the mirror.
birthday time tho other day which was nice went to mexican place for food. was pritty good but dad made the right choice had a massave prawn init. MASSIVE.
bunny can pull some good faces
cant get over how nice the weather has been. 3 days in a row with no rain.
bristol is in bloom untill these kids picked prity much all the flowers on this patch of grass. pritty damn funny they just ripped them apart
went to amys birthday last night. was a mad hatters tea party like in alice in wonderland everyone had some amazing costumes on and some pritty weird hats. good times.
kinda looks like hunter S. tompson in fear and loathing
its earth day today. happy earthday
this is amys bearded dragon. and it was hitlers 120th birthday the other day. i didnt think he was that old
biggestt tea cup ever sooo much tea. i think ben was the only one to drink out of the big cup
helped ben paint his shirt but i managed to get paint on my tee pants and sneaks damn
eye balloon
guhh really dont wanna lose my finger. i like playing the guitar
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