Sunday, March 29, 2009

dont really no what to say...

so right now i am sat in the airport. mixed feelings about it. dont wanna go had such a sweet time here was super good fun.
gonna be good to go home tho also. need to get my finger fixed and straight again which will be good. get to see my sister and family which will be really nice. i land on my sisters birthday which is cool.
get to see friends from home and chill with them over summer which will be sweet if we get more than 2 weeks of sun this summer.
crew shots!!!!!

ben. you never managed to get the lighter its in my pocket right now!!! i managed to get it through customs i thought they were going to take it.

phil. when we were watching high speed boat crashes

anica. when we went for a random drive up some dirt road

brent. deff not the best pic of you but reminds me of your personality

will. from my last night befor we went out to tapleys. will is the nacho king. noone will ever step to that title. EVER.

marc. 90% of the pics i have of you are of you pulling this face. too funny. at tapleys on the last night.

t-pro t-pro t-pro. marc your too funny i dont even no why you started the chant but im laughing here im the airport getting funny looks from a lady who is trying to read her book. t-pro good times. keep killing it and let me no how the rail jam goes dude.

kate. when we were watching comidians talking about sneasing and then ross noble talk about tucking a owl into bed.

and the one person who made this whole lot happen for me. trevor watson. missed you alot bro after you left but i no im going to catch you soon dude. you were missed alot man.
thanks alot for making this happen.

love this place.

so thats it then 08/09 whistler. thanks guys for a rad time had so much fun and i will see you in a few days PEACE......

Friday, March 27, 2009

tourist day

im a tourist. went out the other day took the camera and a backpack looking like a punter and it has to be done really. got some good shots of the mountain and the stuff round and about the mountain which was cool.
here is some of my tourist shots.

started out on whisler. went to the peak to get some shots of the valley. was pritty cold morning.

looking at whistler from the peak to peak.

a view from peak to peak looking over the village and our house is on the other side of the lake in the distance

got some shots of blackcomb peak but there not so good like people in the way and i couldent be bothered to wait for the real tourists to stop taking pictures so i went to shred. sick mountain sick times and much love for all my buddies here.


went on a trip to sqamish the otherday with marc and ben to go get bens tire fixed and go to walmart to go get the stuff to make a bean bag.

i had wendys for the first time while i was there and oh my got does it piss over every other fast food joint EVER. it was amazing.
went to go to tim hortons after cus you just have to go eat that stuff aparently.
i get to the till and order my stuff hand over my card. and i get the responce " sorry we dont take visa"....... what?? who dosent take visa?? so we go to walmart and look for beanbag making things and end up at crossbows bb guns air rifles and shotguns. best isle in the place for sure. but had no idea how i was gonna get any of it back on the plane. bummer. funny trip tho.

get back and have a bbq super good food. someone ate a raw one but we dont no who everyone said theres was good haha.

bummed out the other day cus steve had to leave to go back to winnipeg had such a funnny time while he was here

gonna miss ya steve, fuckkk buddy peace

after steve left it became real how soon i was leaving and how quick time had passed.dont want to leave here.

after we said bye to steve we all just bummed about the village and chilled which was cool

ben made a flint bomb, was kinda funny and i lernt a new skill haha

haha just remembered why phil didnt come. he had some pants on with candy canes all over them, like pj pants super funny and they had "toothpaste" marks on them. phil is too funny. muchos love

becoming real how soon im leaving now, not cool. gonna miss this place. but not as much as im going to miss the people.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

im no ninja, nor is this guy

too funny. couldent stop laughing.

Friday, March 20, 2009

ikka and lauri

so had another great day yesterday. it was still snowing hardcore and had good times with the crew.
caught up with kate and brent in the parking lot at the end of the day and arranged to go to the hottub. got 3 big corronas and headed to the tub. chilled there and drank some beers in the hot tub with marc brent and kate hahah and some weird old guy wearing either A. 1920's bathing suit or B. his sweaty thermals from skiing that day.
dont really no but B. is kinda gross.
went to garfs with kate brent and marc was sweet got some drinks in and then marc comes over to me and was like woahh look dude its lauri heiskari. i didnt believe him at all. caught a glance of him and i wasnt sure.
went and talked to him and he was pritty drunk and gave me a hug. short convo later i catch up with everyone else pritty stoked on meeting him cus he was such a nice guy.
short while later we are outside talkin to ikka backstrom who was super smashed and was being super funny. lauri comes over and had such a random convo about body peircings and where they were ment to be filming today. after about 45 mins and drinking 13 free redbulls we peace out with random made up handshakes and high fives. such a good night and really funny chats.

check out the vids if you dont no the 2 guys.



good riders and good guys too. peace

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


went riding today and had such a rad day. stayed in pemberton last night and had a chilled night and watched irobot. passed out on the couch with my head on the hard wood arm with no pillow on it. woke up.super bad neck. woke steve up and we woke everyone else up. steve picks up the guitar and tells me to get a frying pan and a big spoon. you no what happend next. hahaha sooooo funny. well it was for us.
t-pro swings by and picks me brent and steve up. all squashed in his car with all the boards in and cruze.
sick pow day got 18cm last night on top of the 30 we had the night befor. meet up with anica and phil and go ripping. found some sweet spots off harmony chair and saw some drops i wanna film too. did the water works drop which is a good one. mad pillow lines but super steep. phil fell on his head but all was good.
get back from riding and marc and will sanford are pritty drunk at like 4/5pm. ben shows up and it all started. drinking games. ben lost both times and had to drink the most horrible looking dirty pint. he spewed. i would have done too if i had drunk that.

st paddys day so we met up with everyone and went to the begal. good fun but were all tired from riding. got 8 of us in the truck. bit tight. good night going to bed now. i will put photos when i have more time.

Monday, March 16, 2009


i want one so much. i love sleds.
had a sick day yesterday (sunday) with ben, phil, anica and marc over at rotherford creek. took the sled out and went to this old gnarly colvert. rusty. crooked. bent. snowing hard. and geting towed in by a sled..... sooo much fun.

ben steped up first and got some bangers down and got some film. anica went next and hit it a few times and then slipped out on the big crooked lump in the middle of it and butt checked it. it had to hurt but anica is a trooper. my turn. kinda scared. big rusty colvert... i dont wanna eat shit on it so took it easy. but got a 50 front 3 out which was fun.
then phils go..... he kiled it. front blunt to reg and fakie and was going for the 270 out.... footie to come.

me. tail press

i took the sled out for a ride and ohhh my god is that thing fast. its like a super bike on snow.
started to head down from the colvert with phil riding the sled and ben on the back and me on my board holding onto the tow rope. asked phil to take it easy so we get on the track and he floors it with me holding on the back and he towed me up to 60 down a narrow creek path. sooo much fun was laughing the whole way and trying to give ben high 5's on the back of the sled.
one of the most fun days of my life right there. chillin with the crew snowboarding and riding sleds with a picnic and snowing the whole time.


Friday, March 13, 2009

wednesdays are the best days

have been slack cus i have been staying at the pemberton house chillin with phil, anica, ben, brent and steve. got a bunch of photos done on wed which was good fun.
was gonna use my camera. got it all set up on the tripod and ready to go and get some shots and some HD filming and the batteries died. LAME. used the other camera and they turned out pritty good.

steve with a back lip. sorry if tricks are wrong. it was 2 days ago.

ben. huge japan air. BOOM.

anica. backside tail press

t-pro. nollie back tail 270 out....are you kidding me?!????!!!

me. fs 270 switch front blunt 270 out.

phil. front 3

marc. back lip

me. front 3

t-pro. corked as fuck 5

ben. nose press the gnar. chyea boi

got a heap more pics but takes too long to upload them on here might put more up tomorrow.

we are due snow tonight. its pritty over cast here so it might and its a bit colder tonight.
just waiting for the guys to get here and then heading to the village. get crunk.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hip replacement time.

went to the guys house night befor last and chilled and watched cool runnings while eating sugar and maple sirup covered popcorn. went riding yesterday and ohh what a good day it was sun was out wasnt too windy but it was still -19 ( aparenty ). i get there all wraped up and im sooo hot its rediculous can believe it liessss ALL OF IT no way its that cold at all.sweet day riding except i busted my hip. i dont even no how it happened i didnt even fall it just started hurting so much i couldent walk properly. went for a skate again last night at the parcade again was going good till i hit one of the deadly stones on the floor. ate shit. and leg now hurts again. LAME.
sat out of the game of skate and played cards in the truck with anica and kate! i showed them how to play shithead and i thikn they liked it. then they showed me how to play asshole. haha just reading this back there are some really stupid names for card games. but that was cool just chilling. went back to the pemberton household and continued the cards.
just about to go riding today and its ment to be -20 ummm nice. i dont believe them at all.

had a pritty big spot battle on skate2 the other night on xbox it got kinda intence i dont no who won in the end but i no i lost cus i suck at computer games. headed out to the bar after. good times.

Friday, March 6, 2009

shine on

went riding yesterday and today and got a heap of new tricks landed. like 4. stoked.
went to the bar in the evening after a crazy hot tub and beer drink in kates pool which was sooo relaxing.
kate got us on VIP for bills so we went there and there was a wild line up. waited like 20mins and headed to tapleys. no sooner as i had walked in we split back to bills and joined the other line. 10 mins down and we are in. and what a sick night. got some drinks had a dance and then it was....... then premier of the new SANDBOX MOVIE sickkkk super stoked on this teaser. they were throwing sandbox helmets out and a bunch of other free stuff.
so stoked on a super sweet couple of days and a new movie.

full version september 09.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

skate battle

had a sweet night the other night. went for a super skechy skate in the parkade in pemberton. had to sweep it cus it is covered in grit from the roads. sooo sketchy cus if you hit a stone you bail so hard.
game of skate was sweet i managed to make it to the semi's which i was stoked with cus i suck at flat ground tricks.
this is brent with a switch flip (i think) maybe nollie.

when all the guys got back from winnipeg they brought there friend steve from home with them. he's a good guy and rips on a skate.

after we were dont playin skate we set up the hipy jump and rode that for a while which was sweet.
had a chilled time the other night chilling at the guys house and havin some beers while brent serenaded us with tunes.
i tried to play but its kinda hard not using your middle finger cus its busted but managed to change up the fingers and busted some hendrix.

hit up the bar after we chilled at the house and met up with kate cus she got back from vancouver. was good to catch up with her again and chill at the bar and play some darts.

Monday, March 2, 2009

captin morgan

heard about this band while i was at home from doom but never got round to listning to them.
landed on my head today kinda badly and snaped my headphones. bad times. but got some sweet tricks on the kink. good times.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

junk yard jib sesh

crazy day today. stayed up too late last night watching the biggie smalls movie.
snowed 30cm last night so thought we couldent waste the day.

photograph sesh in the back yard and on the rock drops in the front yard.

spend about an hour shaping a box off of our back yard steps thats about 15ft long.
nice little set up with a gap landing. super sketchy run in. only about a foot wide so got to stay straight.

found a work bench and some ply and made a wall ride stall.

back yard bench turned into a rail with tree bonk just after it so gonna try for some crazy tech stuff on that.

a bomb drop thats about a story and a half to a tiny tranny.

and the rocks we have in the front yard are about the same hight with a bigger tranny but about 5 feet to a wall of ice. super gnarly. marc killed it.

had the guys nextdoor dog come over for a chill too. murphy is a sick dog.

got some good sequence shots so i will put them up when i get them.
what a sweet day chilling at the house getting our shred on and having shots done