the come in model form, statues, pictures, paintings, ceramic's you name it its in henrys house in animal form. its amazing. even a chicken made of shopping bags. SHOPPING BAGS. A CHICKEN. fkn rad
you see this... ^... its real
animals everywhere. one time we tried to count just the number of monkeys in henrys front room. i think we got to 120 and gave up.
nelson has the meanest swagger of them all
standard hazard when playin 1 bounce
sheep shredin. new sport. henry has a nike pro model shoe for it with velcro on the bottom for extra stick.
bad news. alfie has an agressive yeast infection. it has spred slowly throughout his body.
he has started a course of therapy causing his hair to fall out
best of luck alfie. my thoughts are with you.
fun and games was rained off. lame. but had funny times over at henrys.
took me a while to get this pic but it turned out good in the end.
got a bit wet. alfie you no i love you. hahah but it was pritty damn funny at the time.
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