went to see naughty by nature tonight. no tickets. no cash. thought it was gonna be a short night. but no.
talked to the bouncer and convinced him we were on the vip list and let us in.
funny night and quotes to last a life time ,like one from t-pro.
(chatting to 2 girls) " are you girls gonna come back to our place in emerald estates cus i have a box of johnies with your name on it"
sooo funny. on the middle of a bus full of people heading back from town. he was pritty drunk.
mark managed to hustle more candles from the bar which was super funny.
tonight is gonna be t-wats last night cus he has to drive back to winnipeg tomorrow cus he puntured his lung so sad times but a good last night out for sure.
stuff got intence when will was talking to this guy and it all got sour. t-wat gets in with his broken shoulder and busted lung and pushes the guy back off him and it all kicks off. andrew geeves talked to trevor and got him to sit down and i was left talk to this angry tourist trying to calm him down and then he pushed me. pushed him back and he fell over. not cool. bouncers step in and i was told to go back inside. all worked out.
appart from the angry american was a sweet night.
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